Our Association has concluded a memorandum with the IT company DATAmetrics

Date: 21.09.2023

DATAmetrics is one of the few domestic IT companies that over the past two years has been actively developing products based on artificial intelligence (AI).

The development of AI is of strategic importance for our country. Namely:
- contributes to the creation of new markets and business models, increases productivity and competitiveness of the economy, which has a beneficial effect on GDP growth and job creation.
- promotes innovative development, because many areas, such as medicine, the automotive industry and finance, can use AI to create new products and services.
- can be used in the field of cybersecurity to detect and prevent cyber attacks, which is important for protecting national interests.
- can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, which reduces healthcare costs and saves lives.
- helps create innovative teaching methods and ensures access to education for more people.
- can be used to optimize the use of resources and reduce negative impacts on the environment.

This week our Association had the opportunity to test one of the DATAmetrics products – “Halyq Kozi”
The program allows you to detect and register all infrastructure violations in the city, such as: erased markings, potholes on the road, filled yard garbage cans, objects that obstruct the view of ahead road signs.

The device is quite compact, easy to use and can be installed on any vehicle. The program can be trained and customized to suit various needs. Moreover, the system can automatically generate applications to the relevant authorities and subsequently monitor the progress of their execution.

In other words, the project solves infrastructure issues and is also completely devoid of the human factor. This means that he cannot close his eyes to violations and it is impossible to come to an agreement with him. Hence the name - Halyq Kozi (Eye of the People).
The product concept fully reflects the direction of the country’s further development according to the vision of the President: “We in Kazakhstan clearly understand the critical importance of this trend (implementation of IT solutions, including artificial intelligence). In other words, digitalization has become a national priority for us.”

One of the main problems for the development of domestic IT companies like DATAmetrics is that in Kazakhstan there is very low demand and interest, including from government agencies, for products based on artificial intelligence.

As a result, huge amounts of money are spent from the budget to maintain the bloated state apparatus.
Our Association is ready to assist domestic IT companies in popularizing and promoting artificial intelligence, Web3 and blockchain technology.

The Association is also open to cooperation for government agencies, namely to explain these technologies, including training in their use.