Chief Executive of the KABTAI met with the Chairman of the Union of Judges

Date: 05.07.2024

Chief Executive of the Kazakhstan Association of Blockchain Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (KABTAI) D. Karashev visited the reception of the Chairman of the Union of Judges, judge of the Supreme Court, the respected Saken Zhusipakhmetovich Abdolla.

The Chairman of the KABTAI told the leadership of the Union of Judges about innovative and rapidly developing technologies in Kazakhstan and in the world - about blockchain and digital assets. The conversation was also attended by the Secretary of the Central Council of the Union of Judges, judge of the Military Court Chingiz Isaevich Maishibayev.

During the conversation, topics were raised about the legal regulation of digital assets in our country, problems of law enforcement, secured and unsecured digital assets.

D. Karashev also briefly informed about the activities and achievements of the Association and the School of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. To date, our School has already conducted training for 2,000 participants, including employees of law enforcement, government agencies and the quasi-public sector.

“It is very important for us that judges and judicial officers are fully aware of blockchain technology and the digital asset industry,” said Dauren Karashev.

In this regard, an agreement was reached that from the middle of the third quarter of this year, the Association will hold seminars and master classes for judges and judicial officers