"JASAIM" (Zhasaym) became a member of KABTAI

Date: 19.07.2024

The developer of NFT digital diplomas "JASAIM" (Zhasaym) became a full member of the Kazakhstan Association of Blockchain Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (KABTAI).

The official ceremony of signing the membership agreement was attended by Deputy Chief Executive of KABTAI Nursultan Batyrshayev, as well as the founder and CEO of JASAIM LLP (Zhasaym) Syrym Serikov.

The parties spoke about their activities, discussed the prospects for cooperation and shared plans for the future.

"NFT diplomas contribute to increasing trust and transparency. And anyone can instantly check the diploma. Today, we cooperate with KBTU, KazNRTU named after K. Satpayev, International University of Information Technology, EKTU named after. D. Serikbayev, the Almatygenplan Research Institute, as well as foreign universities such as RIT Dubai and RIT USA,” S. Serikov said about his unique development.

“KABTAI is the largest association in Kazakhstan, which unites digital miners, AIFC-licensed crypto exchanges, blockchain and artificial intelligence developers, scientists and manufacturers of equipment for digital mining. The Association provides consulting and legal support to its members. Our goal is to unite like-minded people around the Association and form a competent Digital Community of Kazakhstan. We are glad that JASAIM has joined our ranks and are ready to provide comprehensive support,” concluded N. Batyrshayev.